Principal's Corner

Welcome to Antilles High School

Dear Students and Family Members,

I want to officially welcome all of you to our 2023-2024 school year! We have been busy preparing for a safe and amazing school year.


Our school day begins at 7:30am every day. Please be sure to have your child/children here on time. Students who are consistently tardy are at a clear disadvantage and usually arrive feeling frantic and unprepared. All students who arrive after 7:30am must sign in at the office with a parent. If your child is sick please report the absence by 9:30am by calling the student attendance clerk at 787-797-2301.


The student teen center on Fort Buchanan is available to all students who wish to use the facility. The center requires that the parents complete registration forms before the students are allowed to participate in the various programs offered. Parents should check with the center manager to ensure when the after school program begins and if/when it is open.


General: Our programs each year are exciting and structured to ensure that all our students continue to receive a well-rounded and challenging education. Our standards and expectations remain high! As always, our number one goal is providing our students with a quality educational experience in a safe, caring and nurturing environment. All our faculty members are fully credentialed while professional development and collaborative opportunities are built into our yearly schedule. Our curricular program is aligned to the Department of Defense Education Activity Standards.

The graduation requirements for our students are set by DoDEA and are monitored by members in the district office. The current students must earn 26 carnage credits and the students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or better; in the future students who are in the 11th grade must have four math credits to graduate. Our curriculum is focusing more on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Our students will have opportunities to apply the academic principles they learn in the classroom to real world situations. Our students will also have opportunities to participate in nine career pathways that will lead to industry certification making them job ready upon graduation.


Home/School partnership is the reason AHS continues to excel academically. Working together supporting a face to face or virtual learning environment is a critical component for student success. Teacher/classroom requests are not honored at AHS. Once your child has been placed in a classroom they will remain there for the remainder of the year unless barring extenuating circumstances.


We strongly encourage all of our families to join our Parent Teacher Student Organization. Fundraising is paramount to the success of AHS and we hope you will help support our programs and events in the fall. When a fundraising event surfaces please consider supporting it through donations or time as it helps support our number one priority: your children.

We look forward to seeing you in the upcoming school year. If you have any questions concerning policies, procedures, and programs please do not hesitate to call at 787-707-2301 or stop by to discuss your thoughts on how we can improve. We look forward to working with you this year.

Antilles High School
Fort Buchanan, Puerto Rico

Mr. Niels Mateo, DoDEA employees official photo.

Mr. Niels Mateo

1062 Victory Drive
Fort Buchanan, PR 00934
United States

Ms. Valerie Edison, a native of Westerville, Ohio, brings a rich tapestry of experience and dedication to her role as Assistant Principal.

Ms. Valerie Edison

1062 Victory Drive
Fort Buchanan, PR 00934
United States

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